Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring
As of July 9:
Total State Population: 4,440,204
Total State Population Vaccinated: 2,215,604
% of Total State Population Vaccinated: 50%
Total State Population > 18 Years of Age Vaccinated: 2,080,726
% of Total State Population > 18 Years of Age Vaccinated: 61%
Total State Population >65 Years of Age Vaccinated: 571,747
% of Total State Population >65 Years of Age Vaccinated: 83%
First Dose Administered by Vaccine:
Pfizer: 1,098,827 49%
Moderna: 910,050 41%
Janssen(J&J): 160,315 7%
Notes from Sunday’s 7.11 Ky. COVID-19 Daily Summary
Total New Cases: 202 18 & Under: 43
Total Cases: 467,448 including 351,298 with 116,150 Probable cases.
Positivity Rate: 3.32% (7-day Rollover Average)*
Total Tests: 6,984,022 Total Positive Tests: 571,585 Total PCR Positive: 413,899 Total Serology Positive: 35,288 Total Antigen Positive: 122,398
Kentuckians Ever Hospitalized with COVID-19: 23,844 (5.10%)
Kentuckians now in Hospital with COVID-19: 234
Kentuckians Ever in ICU with COVID-19: 4,840 (1.04%)
Kentuckians now in ICU with COVID-19: 77
Kentuckians on a Ventilator with COVID-19: 32
Current Hospitalized Patients:
Occupied | Available | % Occupancy
Inpatient Beds: 8,387 4,864 63.3%
ICU Beds: 1,128 687 62.1%
Ventilators: 448 1,273 26.0%
New Deaths announced today: 5
*0 duplicates and records not meeting case criteria removed since the last report.
Total Deaths due to COVID-19: 7,263 Confirmed: 6,508 Probable: 755
QuarantineofVaccinatedPersonsGuidance (from
Vaccine.KY.Gov to see when you can get vaccinated, or call 855-598-2246 from 8 am to 7 pm Monday-Friday. 855-598-2246 TTY: 855-326-4654 (8 am to 7 pm Monday – Friday)
The data collected by the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) on case patients comes from a number of sources, including electronic laboratory reports, provider case
disease and COVID-19 investigation reports, local health department investigation results, hospital infection prevention clinical patient data, and KDPH investigation results. Data is often found incomplete and/or incorrect and during KDPH investigation individual patient-level data is added to, corrected, and de-duplicated so that overall case counts and aggregate data values change daily.